Check In and Casting!


Monday I officially moved to Disney World and find myself just one day away from becoming a cast member!

The updates I could give you could go on for hours, so, for now, I'm just going to talk about the Disney events I attended the past two days. More exciting adventures to follow (preview: Magic Kingdom, fireworks, a flooded kitchen).

Monday I drove into my new apartment complex, Chatham Square. All my roommates were placed together (yay!) but in a small, two bedroom six-person apartment (sad). Still, we adjusted pretty quickly until the crisis started (but that's another story...). Check in went so quickly and before I knew it I had a housing ID and a bed! We show that ID everywhere, so if you're doing the DCP, never forget it!

My roommates are wonderful and moving in went smoothly. I later explored Disney Springs with one roommate, Maggie, and one of her friends and her roommates. It was a good first night and I was really looking forward to finding out my job the next day.

Enter Tuesday: Casting! It's mostly paperwork but I waited (im)patiently for my job in the big atrium where Disney statues loomed large over us. So I will be in Quick Service Food and Beverage at the Wilderness Lodge in Roaring Fork! (So hit me up if you're around :)). I'm very excited, I love that resort and it's near Magic Kingdom without the crazy hours. I also got my schedule and come Friday afternoon I will be an official cast member. I have Saturday off which means- PARK TIME. Then Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday I have brief training days before getting a more complete schedule.

After casting I came back to explore the apartment complex a bit more with Jenny and Emily and then our roommate adventures entered unanticipated territory.

Stay tuned...

My First Video!

Although I'm absolutely terrified to share this, I made my first YouTube video! I really love watching other people's Disney College Programs and I thought maybe my friends and family might want to watch mine too. So I took a deep breath and made my first video.

This is really something that scares me, but maybe that's all the more reason to do it. I'm much better with words written down than spoken; maybe it's time to get better at speaking and putting myself in front of other people.

If my loyal blog followers could take a look and let me know what you think, it'd mean the world :)