Catch Up

A lot happened the past four weeks. So here, in brief, is a list of what I've been up to:

I graduated. That's still hard to believe.


I also moved back home with all my college stuff and realized I finally have to unpack this stuff (doesn't mean the unpacking has happened...).

I went to the beach on a vacation with my family and best friends.


I started working for Eco Partners for the fourth summer in a row (so lucky Elizabeth lets me keep coming back!)

I saw my older college friends for a weekend on the lake (and learned some things never change).


I've also done a lot of reading. And not studying for the GRE.

I've prepared for my move to Florida (1 month, 23 days!) by looking up packing lists and starting a new tab on Scribbling in the Margins for my Disney blog.

I'm nervous about graduating, but so so excited for my Disney adventure in August. I'm not 100% sure how I want to record everything that happens on my Disney College Program (weekly blogs? Monthly videos? More videos/blogs or less?) so let me know what you want to see in the comments :)
