A Christmas Tag of Sorts | The SEVENTH Day of Blogmas!

On the seventh day of Blogmas, Leeann's blog gave to me... a Christmas tag of sorts! When I saw this Christmas tag, I didn't care that technically no one had tagged me; I wanted to answer the questions anyway (#rebel). So I took the questions Cait asked on Paper Fury (yeah, I read it a lot) and decided to answer them here for Blogmas Day 7!

Here are the "rules" (they're more like guidelines...):

  • Post the picture on your blog.
  • Answer the questions
  • Tag up to 12 bloggers
  • Make up 10 questions for the other bloggers

1. What does your Christmas Tree look like?

Like magic:

A Christmas Tag of Sorts

2. What are you reading in December? (Anything festive?)

Posted about this yesterday, but my answers are still Holidays on Ice and A Christmas Story.

3. Are you an organised little elf or are you still shopping/preparing on Christmas Eve?

I'm fairly organized. I have everything to go by the day of, but sometimes I'm still running around the day before.

4. How early do you start to get into the Christmas spirit?

As soon as I can! Typically this means the week before Thanksgiving when school starts to get tough and I need a little holiday cheer. But I don't like to go all out until Thanksgiving it over--it's an important holiday too.

5. Do you make any Christmas crafts? Decorations? Send physical Christmas cards?

I used to be all about the Christmas crafts, but going to college means having no time. Our tree is decked out with some Leeann-original decorations, though! I did send physical Christmas cards this year, to help cheer myself. I even went to the post office for some Christmas stamps, which, needless to say, was a highlight of the week.

6. What’s the menu for Christmas Day?!

Whatever my uncle makes! But typically it's turkey, ham, country ham, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, sweet tea and lots of PIE! I'm sure I'm missing something, but I love whatever we have :)

7. What makes it FEEL like Christmas for you? (Weather, specific tradition, food, smell, person, etc.?)

Nothing feels quite like Christmas than watching Christmas movies on the couch under the thickest hand-knit blanket, our Christmas tree all lit up, and snow gently falling outside. Also, whenever I see the outside of my Indianapolis house all decorated for Christmas. Mom does a great job every year :)

8. Do you have relatives coming? Excited? Nervous?

We always see our relatives! I'm definitely excited, as always.

9. What famous Christmas character do you most identify with? (Scrooge, Elf, Tiny Tim, the Grinch, Santa, etc.)

I think I'd have to go with... Susan Walker from Miracle on 34th Street. A realistic kid who has big hopes but will also always believe in Santa Claus.

10. If you were to start a new Christmas tradition, what would it be?

One night where my family drinks hot chocolate/cider/tea/hot drink of choice, eats popcorn, and plays games (like Holiday Charades!) before watching Holiday Inn. It's kind of like our New Years Eve, but at Christmastime :)

If you would like to answer these questions feel free! To follow along with the rebel theme, I won't be tagging anyone, but invite you to answer your favorite questions in the comments (what makes it feel like Christmas for you?)

I look forward to reading them!


On the seventh day of Blogmas, Leeann's blog gave to me:

A Christmas tag of sorts, two Christmas book reads, FIVEEEE FESTIVE MOVIES! Memories filled with snow, one blog tag, the best study tipsand 10 Christmas songs to sing!

Time to Deck the Halls!

Time to Deck the Halls! | Scribbling in the Margins blogOh you know, just checking in to make sure you haven't forgotten about me :) Now that December has finally come, I'm in all-out Christmas mode. My little desk corner is filled with holiday clings, Merry Christmas banners, and my mini tree. There's nothing some decorations can't fix, if you ask me. One of my roommates also decorated our door with Santa wrapping paper and stockings for the four of us.

I love Advent.

The lead up to Christmas is just as wonderful as the actual day. I love my daily Advent readings, Christmas songs, and the anticipation of a new beginning. Another semester comes to a close, the weather settles into it's winter state, and everyone gathers together to celebrate. I've always found something magical in holiday spirit, and I refuse to let that go as I grow up.

While I haven't been blogging much this semester, I want to record my favorite time of the year. So get ready for... the 12 Days of Blogmas! I will be posting 12 days in a row starting December 14th. They might be festive photos, an account of what I did that day, a book review, a gift list--anything Christmas related! If you have any requests, leave them in the comments below.

I hope you are all having merry holiday seasons! I'll see you on the 14th :)
