Canada, Eh?
/Niagara Falls is behind me, I swear.
Turns out, of the stereotypes associated with Canada, "eh" is the one that's not true.
But an obsession with maple syrup? Love of Tim Horton's? Kindness? Accents that make "sorry" and "about" sound like "soo-ry" and "a-boot"?
My brief visit to Canada was everything I hoped for from the moment Danielle and I crossed the border and a McDonald's sign advertising a maple latte greeted us. While I quickly learned the stretch from Detroit to Toronto is simply the upper Midwest and we didn't see any moose, my adventure up north for Spring Break was everything I hoped for.
Favorite moment? Probably when our waitress at the most Canadian of pubs, Bar Wellington, told us "soo-ry aboot that" (sorry about that) when she forgot to refill our water while a hockey game played on the bar TV behind us. It doesn't get more Canadian than that :)
(Daily trips to Tim Hortons are high on the list, too.)
What are your favorite things about Canada?
View from the CN Tower of the lake and west side of town (where Danielle and I stayed).