I'm Going to Disney World!

My much delayed but still exciting announcement is here! Come August 15, I'll be working at Walt Disney World Resort!

I'm Going to Disney World!

Ever since I found out about the Disney College Program my junior year in high school, I knew I wanted to work at Walt Disney World sometime in my life. A number of things kept me from applying to the program during college, but with graduation and my last chance to apply coming up, I knew this was the right moment.

On February 19, 2016 everything fell into place. Just four days after my phone interview, I found out I was accepted to move to Florida for five months as a Quick Service Food and Beverage (QSFB) cast member. Jordan and I were sitting at our favorite Irish Pub when I checked my email just once more and I found the acceptance. We celebrated with cider and ice cream.

Now I'm preparing to move to a new climate and figure out what I'll be doing once my five months are up. Currently, I'm hoping to either extend my program to May or get a Disney Professional Internship either at Disney World or at the publishing division of Disney in California or New York. But for now, I'm just excited to throw on my Mickey ears and start on a journey I've wanted for five years.

If you want to know more about the Disney College Program (DCP) or want more blogs before I get there (all my blogs will be DCP-related come August) please let me know! Until then, look forward to some Canada posts as I freak out about another dream of mine :)

Here's to dreams coming true.
