Scribbling in the Margins

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A lot is coming this year. For me, and for the things and people I love. I have a good feeling about 2018. Maybe it's unfounded optimism, but I like to think that, just maybe, 2018 is the year we all get our act together, remember who we are, and decide spreading hate and fear is so 2017.

A big part of taking on this change personally is becoming a bigger part of my communities-the Indianapolis community, the writing community, the Disney community- and do good within them. I want to do more than sit inside my house and watch Gilmore Girls. My year at Disney taught me there's more to life if you just go out and look for it. I want to look for it.

A year and a half out of college, I also want to read more. In school, I could read 70 books a year. Last year, I only read 17. I love learning, and I love collecting information and taking something from it. Reading is the best way I know how to achieve this.

And finally, 2018 is the year I move away from unsure, newbie professional into the confident and smart professional I want to be. By learning and gaining more experience, I want to end this year proud of what I can do and what I know.

We probably aren't going to change the world in 2018. But by improving ourselves, just a little bit at a time, we can be stronger and we can be kind. It might take a little bit more than faith, trust, and pixie dust- but I KNOW we're up for the challenge.